Author: ChrisLuchy Initiative

Marriage is a beautiful journey filled with love, companionship, and shared experiences. However, it is not without its challenges. In today’s fast-paced world, marriages can face numerous triggers that can strain the relationship and even lead to divorce if not addressed effectively. In this blog post at ChrisLuchy, we will explore the top 10 divorce triggers that couples commonly face and provide valuable insights on how to safeguard your relationship against these challenges. By understanding these triggers and implementing proactive strategies, you can strengthen the foundation of your marriage and navigate through the ups and downs with resilience…

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As a parent, there’s nothing more fulfilling than seeing your child grow into a confident, passionate, and successful individual. But have you ever stopped to think about the immense impact you have on shaping their future? The truth is, your influence can be the spark that ignites a lifelong passion, or the gentle nudge that guides them towards a dream career. From the earliest days of childhood, your words, actions, and encouragement can lay the foundation for a lifetime of success and happiness. In this article, we’ll explore the powerful ways in which your parental guidance can shape your child’s…

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In the hustle and bustle of city life, standing out in the urban landscape can be a challenge for businesses, especially when working with limited marketing budgets. However, with a little creativity and strategic thinking, it is possible to effectively promote your business without breaking the bank. In this blog post, we will explore innovative and cost-effective urban marketing strategies that will help your business shine in the urban jungle. From guerrilla marketing tactics to leveraging social media and utilizing local partnerships, here on Chrisluchy, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to make a big impact…

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With the current hardship in Nigeria, starting a business with a budget of less than 100,000 Naira (about $60 USD) is feasible and can be quite profitable if you select the right venture and manage it effectively.Starting a business with less than 100k in Nigeria is about leveraging your skills, being creative with your resources, and identifying opportunities that match the market’s needs.Here at Chrisluchy, we understands that with hard work, persistence, and strategic planning, these business ideas can grow into profitable ventures.Here’s a list of ten businesses you can start with a modest investment, considering the local market demand…

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Introduction: Understanding the Current Economic Situation in NigeriaNigeria, often referred to as the “Giant of Africa,” is a country with vast potential and resources. However, it has been facing numerous economic challenges over the years that have hindered its growth and development. In recent times, Nigeria’s economy has been hit hard by various internal and external factors, leading to slow growth, high inflation rates, and increased poverty levels.One of the main reasons for Nigeria’s current economic situation is its heavy reliance on oil exports. The country is one of the top oil-producing nations globally, but this also makes it susceptible…

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Are you prone to impulse buying?Have you given in and made random, unnecessary purchases that eat into your potential savings without forethought?That could be why you can’t seem to recall what happened to that N20,000 bill in your wallet or how your budget got so off balance.Impulse buys add up, your morning N6,000 makeup kit, , the stylish N3,000 bag you saw and just had to have during your Target grocery run, the N2,000 cookies you bought from the Girl Scoutsit’s a good cause, right? — and the N10,000 you spent at Mr bigs when you decided to grab a…

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The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) hasm announced its decision to restrict Globacom customers from making calls to MTN lines due to an alleged non-settlement of interconnect charges. In a public notice released on Monday, signed by Reuben Muoka, Director of the Public Affairs Department, the NCC disclosed that it has granted partial approval for the disconnection of Globacom from MTN Nigeria Communications Plc.As of the end of August 2023, Glo’s network boasted 61.39 million mobile subscriptions. However, according to the new NCC notice, these lines will no longer be able to make calls to MTN lines starting January 18, 2024. The NCC explained, “The…

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In the fast-paced world of 2024, where economic landscapes are constantly evolving, individuals are seeking innovative ways to enhance their financial well being. Whether you’re looking to secure a more comfortable lifestyle, save for the future, or pursue your passions, here are five effective strategies to boost your income in the year ahead.1. Skill Up for the Gig Economy:With the gig economy on the rise, acquiring new skills can open up a world of opportunities. Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and TaskRabbit are thriving, connecting freelancers with clients globally. Consider polishing your existing skills or learning new ones that are in…

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In the blink of an eye, we’ve witnessed a breathtaking evolution in technology over the last few decades. From the birth of the internet to the rise of artificial intelligence, our world has been fundamentally transformed.The 1990s marked the dawn of the digital age with the widespread adoption of personal computers. The internet became a household commodity, connecting people globally in ways previously unimaginable. Email, the precursor to modern instant messaging, revolutionized communication, making snail mail seem like a relic of the past.As we entered the new millennium, mobile technology took center stage. The launch of the first iPhone in 2007…

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The recent significant depreciation of the Nigerian naira in the official Nigerian Autonomous Foreign Exchange Market (NAFEM) has sparked considerable concerns within the country’s economic sphere. With the naira currently trading at an alarming rate of 993 naira to one US dollar, and soaring as high as 1,200 naira to a single dollar in the parallel market, the implications of this swift devaluation demand urgent scrutiny and assessment.This significant 20.5% depreciation, marking the lowest ever recorded by the naira against the dollar, indicates profound economic challenges that demand urgent intervention. The considerable drop from the previous record of N848/$1 recorded…

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